Welcome back to the Colonel Chronicle’s club feature! The club being showcased in this piece is the Drama Club. I spoke with the director, Ms. Dunlevy, to get to know what Drama Club is about.
What is Drama Club working on this year?
As always, we are working on fostering friendships and a supportive environment for students to get together!
We will also be working towards our spring play, The Crucible.
When are auditions?
Auditions start the last week of October (i.e next week)!
When and where does Drama Club meet?
We are aiming to meet twice a week from 1:45 PM – 3:00 PM. We are typically in the auditorium, but sometimes meet in A148!
Any additional information students should know about?
We are always looking for dedicated members who are willing to be team players. We are especially looking for enthusiastic underclassmen to be trained on the technological aspects of productions!
If you’re interested in joining Drama Club, email [email protected], or see Ms. Dunlevy in room A148. If you’re interested in watching the production, stay tuned for updates about performances towards the end of the year!