Melannie Valdes
South High Girls Tennis Team, 2024
The start of May is always hectic for students, whether it be college decisions for seniors or studying for AP tests. But for the South High Girls Tennis team, oddly, their season is still just getting started. After many of their early matches getting canceled due to bad weather, the girls are ripping through the courts taking victories like it’s nobody’s business.
I went to their April 30th home game against Doherty High School, a cloudy and overcast day, but nonetheless a perfect day for tennis. South’s first few games against Doherty got canceled, so for this match the girls played pro-sets. In a usual tennis set, they would play six games. But in pro-sets, they play eight games rather than the usual six. This was done to make up the time that they lost in the other two matches, and hopefully not have to schedule another.
I was able to catch a few of the girls to interview before the match started, and I asked them about how they were feeling about the match against Doherty and about the season overall. Lila Tallagnon, who plays second doubles, said, “I’m feeling both excited and nervous because I know that they’re a good team.” South’s matches against Doherty have been known to go on for a while, as the Doherty girls are great competitors for our girls. Shannon Dennehy, the other half of second doubles, said, “We haven’t lost to Doherty in the last few years so… fabulous!” upon being asked how she felt about the match. Lila and Shannon won their doubles match, 8-2 and 8-0
Upon interviewing Coach Earley, he shared the following words about the season: “I have some high expectations for our team. Not only on the scoreboard, but their studies and their personal growth. I have been fortunate to be able to coach such a fine bunch of girls. They have worked hard and deserve to achieve a goal higher than the year before. I am lucky to have the opportunity to coach and help the girls reach these goals on the court and [in] life.”
The girls definitely made us all proud with the outcome of this match, each and every one of them on their a-game and ready to serve up a win. The lineup for the game was as follows: Chloe Williams on first singles (8-1, 8-0), Olivia Robeau on second singles (8-4, 8-1), and Anya Geist on third singles (8-2, 8-5). Eden Bergstrom and Phoebe McDermott were on first doubles (8-3, 8-0), and Shannon Dennehy and Lila Tallagnon on second doubles (8-2, 8-0). Overall, the girls took home a 5-0 win for South High in a match well played.
I want to congratulate the tennis team for always going above and beyond on the courts, continually wowing spectators and creating an amiable name for themselves around the state as hopeful tennis champions. It was a pleasure to be at the match, and I hope that everyone is able to get down to the courts to see these amazing girls play. Good luck on the rest of your season!