Left to Right: Sarah Jeffers, Ms. Ledoux, Lila Tallagnon
Welcome back, Chronicle readers!
I am so excited to be advising the newspaper club again this year, and to support our newspaper staff in the production of the Colonel Chronicle. I am happy to introduce Sarah Jeffers and Lila Tallagnon as co-Editors in Chief. They are backed by a growing staff of South students who are excited to bring you content in news and student life, arts and entertainment, opinion and sports.
Within the last few years the newspaper has worked hard to develop a publishing routine and a variety of content. Again this year, you can find new articles published every Monday in the Chronicle – check your email at the end of each Monday, and considering submitting to the weekly Chronicle contest, which will be back this year!
We welcome your opinions in our letters to the editors, but there is room to become involved with the paper in many ways. One thing our staff is very proud of is the increasing involvement of South students with the newspaper. A common misconception that we often run into is the idea that writing articles is the only way to be involved with the paper. But there are opportunities for photography, interviewing, promotion, and more. If you are interested, please reach out to [email protected], and come by Room A147 after school on Wednesdays for more information.
There is a lot going on in the world, in Worcester, in our South community – the Chronicle is your opportunity to become involved in creating dialogue around and celebration of South’s diverse perspectives.
Here’s to a newsworthy 2024-2025 school year! Ms. Ledoux 🙂