Olivia Bode
I’m sure everybody has heard Mr O’Leary’s name brought up often in the halls and thought, “Geez, it’s just Mr. O’Leary, there’s no reason to bring him up that much”, however, O’Leary’s newfound fame can be attributed to an adorably chubby puppy, Fiona!
Fiona, who Mr. O’Leary and his wife brought home just before winter break, is a chocolate/golden english lab mix, appropriately dubbed a “fox lab” for their slightly orange coats. The breed, originally bred for freshwater hunting and fishing, often work out to be incredible therapy dogs due to their friendly temperament and large size (which makes them perfect for cuddling).
The pup has had some very challenging duties the past couple weeks, including entertaining awww-ing fans, being graciously rewarded for her good behavior, and sleeping belly up on the bare floor as opposed to the comfy tiles Mr. O’Leary had laid out for her (by her choice, of course).
So, what’s the deal? What’s Fiona doing here? Why isn’t she at Burncoat?
Well, Mrs. O’Leary, an adjustment counselor at Burncoat, had a procedure done just before we resumed classes, and has needed time to recover before returning to work with Fiona. Mr. O’Leary, like the shining knight he is, took the initiative to bring Fifi to school, allowing her to get the necessary at-work experience and avoid any unpaid time-off.
Fiona’s training consists of three levels of schooling: puppy training school, intermediate school, and advanced training. Her training is a little different than the average dog’s training; since Fiona is on track to become a therapy dog, her classes will be tailored to teach her all the essentials of the American Kennel Club’s “Good Citizen Test”, which is a test that evaluates a dog’s aptitude for service work. Her pink training vest is a tool to teach her a work life balance: when it goes on, it’s work time. When it comes off, it’s time to play! At the end of the day, Fiona goes home to her two older brothers: a chocolate lab, Charlie, and a golden lab, Brady, both of which O’Leary says “She loves to terrorize.”
Unfortunately, my peers, Fiona will be leaving us today, Monday, January 27th. She’s ready for work at Burncoat, and it’s officially time for her to lock in! And, although she’s leaving, we still have one very adorable young lady to make us smile: our very own, Honey! Honey and Mrs. Ford, although busy at work, are always very friendly and open to visits and pets whenever appropriate.
For more updates on Fiona as we bid her farewell, you can follow her on Instagram @therapywithfifi!