Senior Profile: Molly Freeman

Can you share some details on your plans for after graduation? What are you most looking forward to with these plans?

I will be attending Lasell University in the fall to major in Psychology. 

Do you have any memorable moments from your time at South High?  

I will always remember the people I have met from South. From the lifelong friends I made or the teachers endless support. 

Is there anything specific about the old South building that you will remember? 

I will always remember the character the old building held, it had such a unique vibe to it that no new school can replace. 

What is something that you have learned or experienced at South High that you will take with you after graduation? 

I have learned the value of diversity and spirit at South. 

Do you have any advice you would share with rising seniors or with underclassmen?

I would tell them to take a second to appreciate everything, high school goes by way too fast.