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The Colonel Chronicle


The Colonel Chronicle

The Colonel Chronicle

High School: A Time to Make Lasting Memories

High School: A Time to Make Lasting Memories

Nevaeh Baillargeon, Contributor January 18, 2024

Creating memories in your youth, especially during high school, is crucial for a well-rounded and fulfilling life. It's a unique time to discover who you are, forge lasting friendships, and build a foundation...

Reflection Through Journaling

Reflection Through Journaling

Gabri-Ella Martinez, Contributor December 14, 2023

In my journey to finding peace of mind, and learning to love and appreciate myself, there has been one thing that has helped me most. Reflection. Reflecting on my actions and thinking about how I can be...

Gun Violence Has Affected Me: A Speech

Gun Violence Has Affected Me: A Speech

Natalie Wamback, Contributor November 2, 2023

As a period of unrest and conflict plagues our country, the topic of gun violence still remains incredibly prevalent. It seems to be such a distant topic before it happens in our community, city, neighborhood,...

Students Discuss Detention Policy

Students Discuss Detention Policy

Samantha Gomes October 19, 2023

During lunch last week, we were discussing detention since one of my friends was complaining about getting one. He’s a good student and just happened to be late to class, yet there's people who do nothing...

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