On October 29, 2024, the Inter-High Cross Country Championships was held at Green Hill Park. The event had a difficult 3.1 mile course with varying terrain where cross country teams from all over WPS, from Worcester Tech to Burncoat, competed. In the end, both South High’s boy and girl’s cross country team excelled in the competition.
Regan Maxwell (second place, 25:08) and Heidy Rodriguez (fourth place, 25:55), pushed South High to the Team title for the Worcester City Championship.
For the boys, South High came in second place for the City Championship, led by Isaiah Jacques (third, 18:35) and Patrick Lambert (fourth, 19:07).
Captain Leire Cuberes Barluenga mentions that as the season brought much success, it also brought the opportunity for growth: “As a continued captain this season, I’ve learned that leadership isn’t just about guiding a dedicated group—it’s about growing alongside them, as I have for the past four seasons, and strengthening our bond and abilities towards smarter, stronger runners.” She states that the cross country team has “fought hard for an undefeated season” and pushed each other to exceed their limits. “Even when health issues interrupted my own season and eventually forced me to step back, I learned to listen to my body and respect what it needed, even when I wished to be running out there with my team.”