In Ms. Farrell’s AP Lang classes, they have been working on writing their own How-To’s in 400 words, similar to the ones published in the New York Times “Tip’ column. Starting this week, we will release a couple articles per week that are How-To’s on any subject, whether that is how to cook something, or how to make friends in our new NYT “Tip” Column!
Introducing the NYT “Tip” Column!
Sarah Jeffers, Editor-in-Chief
March 11, 2025
About the Contributor

Sarah Jeffers, Editor-in-Chief
Hello! I am part of the Class of ’25 and I am so excited to be one of our Editors-in-Chief! I have always loved to keep my friends and family up to date on things (even if they haven’t wanted to hear it). I have also found a love for reading about what is happening all around us. I hope to be able to bring the stories and life of South High and beyond to an accessible outlet!
Email Me!