The US Supreme Court Will Release Major Decisions in Late June

Jason Murillo, Editor-In-Chief

The Supreme Court is the judicial branch of government, one of the three branches of the United States government. They interpret the law and have the power to strike down laws or uphold them. Typically, they focus on Constitutional law. Their decisions are often precedents for cases that follow them. While the court is in session, they hear many cases and make decisions on them. However, there are some cases in which they make delayed decisions. They are often fundamental cases that can change daily life in the country. Such examples are declaring same-sex marriage as a right and declaring that abortion is not a protected right. These decisions are expected to come out late this month. Here are some of them:


Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College

On average, White and Asian students do better on standardized tests in the country, such as the SAT. The plaintiffs assert that elite colleges reject these students due to racial discrimination by admissions officers. Data shows that, despite their scores, Asian students are rejected at higher rates than other minority students. It also shows that average scores for accepted Asian students are higher than scores for other minority students.


Harvard rejects the accusations based on the data and assert that they use affirmative action in a positive manner to create diversity on the campus. They argue that diversity of the campus creates a more effective learning environment.


This case will decide the future of Affirmative Action right in time for college application season.


Moore v. Harper

North Carolina gained a new seat in the US House of Representatives. The Republican-majority legislature created a new district map that was not partisan. It was considered a gerrymander.


The gerrymander was accused of violating free election laws and was challenged in court. The state’s Supreme Court struck the map down, but it has reached the US Supreme Court after appeals.


The case will decide whether the state legislature is the only body that may regulate federal elections.


303 Creative LLC v. Elenis

The owner of 303 Creative LLC seeks the right to decline service to same-sex couples. They also seek the right to openly state their desire to discriminate on their website.


The Colorado AntiDiscrimination Act states that a businesses may not discriminate for this reason nor outwardly state that they will discriminate.


The case will decide whether the law violates an individual’s freedom of speech as granted by the First Amendment.