Senior Spotlight: Emma Robeau

Ms. Ledoux, Advisor

We hope that our readers have enjoyed seeing themselves, their friends and classmates profiled in the Chronicle as we get ready to say goodbye to our Class of 2023 seniors.

The Chronicle would like to present one more special senior spotlight: our own co-Editor in Chief, Emma Robeau.

Emma has been a standout here at South since she was an eager freshman, when she was well known for her talent and her personality. Mrs. Eressy fondly remembers hearing about “Emma problems” – for example, the one that popped up when Emma received a new water bottle. When she arrived needing help the next morning, Mrs. Eressy identified the potential Emma problem as “Something like I don’t know where to put the stickers on my water bottle…” to which Emma responded, “That’s exactly what the problem is!”  As Mrs. Eressy states, “The memory is silly but says so much about Emma – she is and has been a hard worker that doesn’t make any decisions lightly.” This commitment was shown in her personal, athletic, and academic life throughout Emma’s high school career. It was easy to be around her and know for sure that whatever she was doing, she was putting 100% of her effort into it – and over the last four years the South community has been the better for it.

Her guidance counselor, Ms. Potenti, also appreciates this same quality of dedication, noting that Emma has been a “one of a kind student.” Over the years, Ms. Potenti saw Emma  prioritize her own academic and personal ambitions, but also notes Emma’s compassion and care for others. When asked about a good- bye message to Emma, Mr. Potenti replied, “You are a very kind and compassionate young woman, who genuinely cares for others and I know that you will continue to be your true self, as you venture off into the world! You will surely be missed!!”

Science teacher Ms. Apau echoes these sentiments, acknowledging Emma’s important role at South High, and the fact that Emma “never wavered in [her] work ethic or commitment to [herself].” Ms. Apau highlights how grateful she was to have had Emma as a student, calling her one of the “kindest, clean-spirited students” she has ever met. Like many of us, Ms. Apau wants to make sure that Emma knows the positive impact she has had on faculty and staff.

Despite having a busy schedule of AP classes, band rehearsals, soccer games, tennis matches and more, Emma signed on this year to work on the Colonel Chronicle staff, taking on a lead role as Co-Editor in Chief beside Jason Murillo. In addition to leading many meetings, Emma took charge of sending out email updates, as well as writing her own pieces for the newspaper. I think I speak for the whole staff when I say that her friendly, supportive presence and her strong work ethic kept the Chronicle going all year.

And what a great year it was! We started out in September with with the goal of not only getting the school newspaper up and running, but developing a plan for a sustainable paper that will outlive our current staff – belonging to our future students as much as it does to us now. This condition applies to Emma more than anyone. As a senior, Emma only has had this year to work on the Chronicle – but despite that, she has played a vital role in breathing life into the paper. She helped us envision the future, working on our current Google Site and helping us establish our professional newspaper site that we are excited to unveil at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. 

Lin Manuel Miranda wrote, “What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.” It takes a special person to put such hard work into a final product that they themselves will not be able to be a part of. But the Chronicle’s future is a part of Emma’s legacy here at South, and we are grateful for her contributions, and wish her the best in her bright future. 

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