Serving Our Peers and Community • South High Community School • Worcester, MA

The Colonel Chronicle


The Colonel Chronicle

The Colonel Chronicle

Lucys Summer Suggestions: Part 2

Lucy’s Summer Suggestions: Part 2

Lucy Reidy, News Editor June 12, 2024

Finally-- once again-- the summer months are coming around. Longer days, the smell of sunscreen, and roadside ice cream shops are in our midst.  But of course, summer break brings work to prepare for...

Im Glad I Tried Out for Tennis

I’m Glad I Tried Out for Tennis

Lila Tallagnon, Arts and Entertainment Editor June 12, 2024

The first time I ever cried about sports was when I joined the tennis team. I cried, first, after tryouts. Having had the experience of one summer’s tennis camp as a child, I decided I would give it...

South Highs Ice Cream Suggestions!

South High’s Ice Cream Suggestions!

Sarah Jeffers, Social Media Manager June 12, 2024

Happy Summer! Many people have favorite summer traditions, and one of mine is getting ice cream! There is something satisfying about having a cold treat after a hot summer day, and I was wondering what...

Faculty and Staff on South Bathroom Policies: Issues of Access and Safety

Faculty and Staff on South Bathroom Policies: Issues of Access and Safety

Anya Geist, Editor-in-Chief June 3, 2024

Earlier in the school year, the administration closed half of the bathrooms in the school—leaving one per floor open, including in the basement and outside the cafeteria. This was done in response to...

Letter to the Editor: South School Lunch

Letter to the Editor: South School Lunch

Mekhi Lee, Contributer June 3, 2024

Normally lunch time is every kid's favorite time of the day. But as time passes, the school lunch changed and hasn't been the same. Nowadays, kids don’t go to lunch because of the poor selection of lunch....

Letter to the Editor: Snack Sales at South

Letter to the Editor: Snack Sales at South

Kayliana Hayes, Contributer June 3, 2024

Imagine having to raise prices for an event when you could have made the money in a more convenient way. A problem at South High and Massachusetts in general, is not being able to sell snacks in school....

Pride Week 2024

Pride Week 2024

Jade Rose and Jasmiley Schotborg June 3, 2024

Pride spirit week is here! We asked Mx. K some questions about the celebration. When did South High start holding Pride Week?  How has it grown or evolved? (if it has) I started working at South...

Physics Students Prepare for Annual Six Flags Trip

Physics Students Prepare for Annual Six Flags Trip

Sarah Jeffers, Social Media Manager June 3, 2024

If you haven’t heard, the Physics classes are going to Six Flags this year! Each year, usually around the end of May, all of the Physics classes - college, honors, and AP - get the opportunity to go...

Letter to the Editor: Bathroom Policies

Letter to the Editor: Bathroom Policies

Kayn St Louis, Contributer May 14, 2024

One day in period 7, I had to go to the bathroom. There was a long line there and I didn’t want to wait, so I just went back to class since I didn’t want to miss any class time. I believe that a problem...

How is the parking at South High?

Chronicle Staff May 14, 2024

Last week, The Chronicle put up a poll on our Instagram asking your opinions about the parking.   How would you describe the parking at South High? Great Good Okay Needs improvement And...

South High Girls Tennis Team, 2024

Girls Tennis Team Continues to Take Wins as Season Progresses

Lucy Reidy, News Editor May 5, 2024

The start of May is always hectic for students, whether it be college decisions for seniors or studying for AP tests. But for the South High Girls Tennis team, oddly, their season is still just getting...

What Are You Wearing to Prom??

What Are You Wearing to Prom??

The Chronicle Staff April 28, 2024

The Chronicle has launched weekly polls on our Instagram (@colonel_chronicle), asking your opinions on all sorts of topics! Check out our Instagram stories every Monday for the latest poll! Have a suggestion...

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