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Serving Our Peers and Community • South High Community School • Worcester, MA

The Colonel Chronicle

The Colonel Chronicle
The Colonel Chronicle

Jack Grady, Baseball

What sport at South did you play, what years did you play, and what position?

I played Baseball for south freshman to senior year and was mainly a second baseman for my time there

What was your favorite memory, or memories, as a part of this team?

 Best memories were definitely all the dugout conversations and banter that was said. I’ve had some of the funniest people as teammates for my 4 years at south. If I had to pick a specific memory it was definitely playing at polar park for the first time my sophomore year

What was the biggest challenge you faced?

Biggest challenge I faced was staying mentally tough after a bad at bat or poor play. Its important to keep you’re head in the game after a bad play in baseball because the game is  90% mental.

 What is something that surprised you about your time on the team?

What surprised me the most while playing for south was hearing the news about getting a brand new field along with the brand new south high building. That was great news to hear because freshman year our home field was Logan field which wasn’t a walkable distance from south opposed to the new field which is beautiful and right there.

What lesson or mindset will you bring with you into your future after being a part of this team?

The lesson i’ve learned from baseball is that sometimes things don’t go correctly. Sometimes you make a mistake. Its not about making mistakes, its about what you do AFTER making a mistake. This is how I plan to approach life as I go off to college. I will learn from my mistakes and use it to build and grow as a person.