My older sister is a lot of things—stubborn, sarcastic, easy-going—but most importantly, she is skilled. She is determined, and she is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever known. She has accomplished much in her time, and I aspire to be like her. This is why I decided on her for my profile.
She attended Worcester Technical High School where she took care of the preschoolers in Early Childhood, her shop of choice. Perez got accepted into Framingham State University shortly after graduating from high school.
Gereline Perez is now 22 years old, and recently graduated from Framingham State University with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She was on the dean’s list and passed with honors. “[Usually] The maximum classes you can take is four and I took five, so that’s extra coursework, but I managed.”
“Growing up, I’ve always been obsessed with knowing how minds work and why people do things, I’ve always been obsessed with that,” Perez says. “So I randomly searched up ‘How does the mind work’, and I saw courses like ‘Take online courses for psychology!’, and I was like ‘Oh shoot, there’s a name for it!’”
Now, after finishing her four years of college and gaining a bachelors, she has her eyes set on a new goal: gaining a master’s degree in psychology. Perez said the process for applying to graduate school was “Stressful.”
“I applied to two schools that were the only two schools in Massachusetts that have forensics psychology because what I want to be is a forensic psychologist,” She explained. “So in order for that my main concentration has to be forensic psychology and that is just not a thing in Massachusetts!” Perez began to explain in-depth of her applying to graduate school, saying “It takes a lot, you have to write a paper about yourself and that’s like, the hardest thing ever because who wants to write about themselves?” She finishes off by stating that it’s a “lengthy process.”
Luckily, her stressful application process paid off, and she got accepted into Westfield State University. After she acquires her masters degree, she says that she will most likely be working inside a prison, and that she’s very excited for it, stating “I’m going to be doing the job that I’ve always wanted to do.”
Something special about my older sister is that she is a first generation college student (or rather graduate). My mother and father never had the opportunity to extend their academics growing up, making my older sister the first in our family to graduate from college. “Growing up, both of my parents have always told me you need to go to school, we came here for you so you can get a better education, a better lifestyle!’” For context, both of my parents were born and raised in the Dominican Republic. They moved to New York for a better life, where they had my two older sisters, and then moved to Worcester, where I was born. They both have been living in Massachusetts ever since then.
“I have two little sisters,” She continues, “So I want to be a good role model.” Perez goes on to say that being a first-gen means a lot to her, ”It’s not only for me, it’s for my family and I want to show them that they came all the way over here and did all the sacrifices they needed for us.” She goes on to say how she desires to give back to her mother and father, and allow them to “Live out the rest of their American lives as happy Americans.”
She also adds that her biggest supporters are her family and very close friends, and they are also her biggest motivators. Her favorite memory from college is meeting her best friend, Mercedes, who she has been friends with ever since.

Adding onto her plans after graduate school, Perez explains what she will be getting into. “I will be doing an internship for a year and apparently after that year I will be available to have a salary position in that internship or be able to become a forensics psychologist.” She said, “So I will be a forensic psychologist and I’ll be a licensed mental health counselor so I can treat people with mental health disorders.”
She is looking forward to being “maxxed out” in psychology, especially in forensic psychology, when she eventually starts graduate school. Perez continues to go on, saying that she’s excited to meet other psychologists and go places. “Apparently we’re going to a convention in Toronto, Canada,” She shares excitedly.
“I’m just excited for grad school,” Perez says. “Well, I’m very nervous but it seems like a lot of fun, so I’m excited.”
My older sister has come very far from her high school days, and during the good and the bad times, she always stayed strong and resilient. For that, she has always been one of my biggest role models, and I can only hope to be like her someday. My hopes for her future are high, and I’m excited to see just how much further she will go once she attends Westfield.