Who knew that a blanket of polyvinyl chloride and cardboard could offer so much comfort? Draped on the walls like crawling ivy, the vinyl quilt is more than a decorative piece; it’s a natural storyteller.
Amelia Zalubas’ room is a sanctuary of sound, with each album cover distinct and personal. Thirty records from over the years form a quilt of her musical journey, surrounding her room in memories and melodies.
If you’d ask her about the importance of music in her life, she’d recount the chords and rhythms that carried her through the struggles and the triumphs.
How music shields us from the unpleasantries muttered by mean girls in middle school.
How we can bury our anger in the chorus of a familiar song.
How it stays with us always. Like a metronome in the background of your life-a steady tick tick tick. Always there to offer you stability amidst life’s uncertainties.
How it can be the bridge between people, forging friendships in its path.
How there’s no greater feeling than going to a concert and being free as you belt away the familiar lyrics that line your walls back at home.
How the songs can offer us refuge. A voice. A place to feel safe and understood.
“I just really love the emotional aspect of music.” She says.
Stitched in sound is Amelia’s quilt. It watches over her offering security and sanctity. Layered into the quilt are emotions, woven in by Amelia. It’s ever changing. That’s the beauty of it all. As she grows so does her collection, providing her a new soundtrack to her life.