Did you know that South High is having its very own Lunar New Year celebration? Next Thursday, January 30th, South’s Asian Student Association (ASA) will be hosting the Lunar Festival right here in the cafeteria! And–It’s open to students from other schools in MA as well. ASA co-president Dalton Le (‘25) says that the festival, which will go from 4-7 PM, will feature traditional food, including treats from local vendors such as Mochi Dough, Gong Cha, and Mia Cane. There will also be performances from South’s K-Pop club, Vietnamese fan dancing, and lion dancing, presented by South’s very own lion dancing club. People can expect to play fun traditional games as well.
The process to host an event of this scope at South required a lot of outreach. ASA started out with an idea for the festival in a slideshow, which they presented to South faculty for approval. As for the vendors, they utilized connections with employees at various local food shops who were generous enough to provide service. Le believes that an event like this will help bring people together from across the community. In fact, ASA completely sold out of the 160 tickets they were offering, which means that the Lunar Festival will be a busy and exciting night!