“Pay attention to what people say is important to them. Listen and then go and find it.” Says Liz Woods, a lifelong gifter, who has been thrifting for even longer. As the youngest of nine, thrifting has always been a part of her life. Even her parents were big antiquers. She loves thrifting gifts because you can find one that achieves both uniqueness and frugality. The best way to do this is always be on the lookout for gifts. She shops year round at any shop that she is around.

You can always buy a gift now and store it for when you are ready to give it out. But Woods says “I won’t buy something I don’t like just to have a gift, I have to like it.” The best way to give someone a good gift is to be attentive to what the people in your life say they want or like and take note of it. One technique that Woods does is start a collection of things that are important to people in her life, such as china or glassware, so that she can have lifelong gifts for them.
Items have to be in good condition, no chips, cracks or stains and if it’s clothing it has to fit well. Woods knows what good quality things are, she looks for labels and has a good eye.
The biggest piece of advice that Woods can give is to first think about the person you want to give the gift to and about the kinds of things they like. Then, once you settle on a couple items, check places like Facebook Marketplace or Ebay to get a feel for the prices and conditions. Now it is time to go out into the world. Avoid red flags, for example overpricing and bad quality products. Do not be afraid to negotiate for a better deal, and consider buying things in groups or bundles to save more. Do not be afraid to ask for help, go with a friend they know is thrifty and have fun.
We live in a world with so much waste, and second hand shopping helps offset this, combined with the fact people like to be heard and seen. A certain beauty is created, taking something that was already loved and giving it to someone who will love it even more a second time.