Serving Our Peers and Community • South High Community School • Worcester, MA

The Colonel Chronicle


The Colonel Chronicle

The Colonel Chronicle

Sometimes beauty and things worth searching for, are not as far as you might think.

The Way of Life

Devin Damm-Marley, Contributor June 12, 2024

Pride Week 2024

Pride Week 2024

Jade Rose and Jasmiley Schotborg June 3, 2024

Pride spirit week is here! We asked Mx. K some questions about the celebration. When did South High start holding Pride Week?  How has it grown or evolved? (if it has) I started working at South...

Senior Athlete Profile: Jose Reyes Lopez, Baseball

Senior Athlete Profile: Jose Reyes Lopez, Baseball

Chronicle Staff May 15, 2024

What sport at South did you play, what years did you play, and what position? I played baseball in my sophomore and junior year, and for my senior year too. For my position, ever since I was little...

Senior Profile: Lisamarie Mendez

Senior Profile: Lisamarie Mendez

Chronicle Staff May 14, 2024

Can you share some details on your plans for after graduation? For example, the name of college you will be attending or where you will be working. What are you most looking forward to with these plans? I...

Denisa Iljas 24.

Denisa Iljas: Pollen is to Bees as Education is to Humans

Denisa Iljas April 29, 2024

"Denisa, vazhdo shkollën" My mom would say this after coming back from work, usually at around 11:30 at night, while we are both awake. Sometimes she would say the English version,"Denisa, go to school,"...

Melissa Truong: Life as a Circus

Melissa Truong: Life as a Circus

Melissa Truong April 29, 2024

The afternoon sun blazed like a spotlight, shining on me like a performer in the circus of my life. I had just wrapped up my demanding school day, rushed through a quick Science Olympiad officer meeting,...

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