Serving Our Peers and Community • South High Community School • Worcester, MA

The Colonel Chronicle


The Colonel Chronicle

The Colonel Chronicle

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Chloe Williams
Chloe Williams

Can you share some details on your plans for after graduation? For example, the name of college you will be attending or where you will be working. What are you most looking forward to with these plans?

I am going to be attending Clark University with a major of mechanical engineering through the 3-2 program with Columbia University! I am most looking forward to meeting new people, decorating my dorm, playing sports and joining a lot of clubs for fun!

Do you have any memorable moments from your time at South High?

I do! Some of my favorite memories have to do with winning sports games and meeting new fun people in class! I also really enjoyed the pep rallies from last year and the outside events that we do during the year like the solar eclipse party, or even the dodgeball tournament! I also really enjoyed the last day of school in my sophomore year where we got together and played a Mario Kart tournament in the common room, took pictures and walked around the lake! One of my favorite parts however was participating in the international show and bonding with that group of people through culture and dance!

What is something that you have learned or experienced at South High that you will take with you after graduation? 

I have learned a lot about diversity, perspective and opportunity. With such a diverse school I was able to understand and connect with different experiences, and understand the opportunities that I am lucky to have. I have experienced community here, and support in places like my tennis team, which I will definitely take with me when I go to Clark!

Do you have any advice you would share with rising seniors or with underclassmen?

Stay on top of your work, obviously, but also take the time to hang out with people, join sports teams and join new clubs. Like I said before, the international show was one of the highlights of my senior and high school years, so I suggest participating in that even if you are not from that country (as long as they are okay with it)! Enjoy and experience as much as you can, and try to stay as positive as possible, even when it is difficult.

Lily Motil
Lily Motil

Can you share some details on your plans for after graduation? For example, the name of college you will be attending or where you will be working. What are you most looking forward to with these plans?

Worcester State University. I look forward to meeting new people.

Do you have any memorable moments from your time at South High? 

Building lifelong friendships with some of my best friends.

What is something that you have learned or experienced at South High that you will take with you after graduation? 

To speak up and advocate for myself, because no one else will do it for me if I don’t.

Do you have any advice you would share with rising seniors or with underclassmen?

Get your post-high school plans finalized because you will want to spend your senior year making memories.

Lisamaria Mendez
Lisamaria Mendez

Can you share some details on your plans for after graduation? For example, the name of college you will be attending or where you will be working. What are you most looking forward to with these plans?

I will be attending community college while working at the same time.

Do you have any memorable moments from your time at South High? 

I can say sophomore year was the most memorable year for me. I made lots of memories with friends and teachers

What is something that you have learned or experienced at South High that you will take with you after graduation? 

I learned always ask for help when needed. South High is a big family!

Do you have any advice you would share with rising seniors or with underclassmen?

Always be motivated no matter the situation, never give up – it will all be worth it at the end of the long run ☺️


Henry Nguyen
Henry Nguyen

Can you share some details on your plans for after graduation? For example, the name of college you will be attending or where you will be working. What are you most looking forward to with these plans?

I have no idea what I am doing, or what is going on. Despite this uncertainty, I am so grateful to be surrounded by people who are motivated about their future; it empowers me to continue my passions in college. I am going to spend the Summer working and hanging out with friends. To prevent myself from rotting away, I WILL keep myself accountable and form a schedule over the Summer. I'm attending UMass Amherst, and I've had thoughts about going to graduate school for biostatistics. Currently though, I am planning on a math and/or biology related for my undergraduate.

Do you have any memorable moments from your time at South High? 

Four years at South High, I'll remember post-prom hangouts, collaborating with friends during AP Biology, graduating from the National Honor Society, receiving needed help from teachers, and every moment with friends!

What is something that you have learned or experienced at South High that you will take with you after graduation? 

I am still working on believing in myself - in order to have supportive friends, I must support myself first. Also, I have really, really bad procrastination issues, which affected my mental health and eating habits. Coupled with my stress about getting a job my junior year of high school, with other issues, I was at my lowest. The biggest step, which is also the hardest step was reaching out for help. After being open about everything with my parents and sister, I began feeling better. I realized I was not alone, as they took their personal time to help me recover.

Do you have any advice you would share with rising seniors or with underclassmen?

Please ask for help when you need it. Whether the challenges are for physical, or mental support, simply talking about your problems can help stabilize your state of mind. Show gratitude, and be optimistic about every opportunity that comes up.

Kiet Anh Bui
Kiet Bui 24
Kiet Bui ’24

Can you share some details on your plans for after graduation? For example, the name of college you will be attending or where you will be working. What are you most looking forward to with these plans?

My plans would be to work a summer job, save up money for a car and college, and then pack stuff to move to Lowell to undertake maybe 6 years of school to become a dietician.

Do you have any memorable moments from your time at South High?

I made many memorable moments for myself, but my favorite two has to be the feasts I held with my friends in class and the first day I dressed up like a Ronin, to which I dressed up on certain occasions after that. I will still dress up, but im not sure if the food will hit the same without friends.

What is something that you have learned or experienced at South High that you will take with you after graduation? 

The lessons I will take would have to be ask questions always, when no one else will do it.

Communicate with your team and hold people accountable.

Be more confident within your ideas and your leadership, especially when leaders don't have any or don't know what to do.

Be patient and find the right moment to strike when it comes to socializing, instead of rapid conversations and pressure.

To achieve progress is to be able to accept both your doubts and achievements as one and know that it may take 1,000 tries before finding an answer.

To find a balance between ambition and pleasure. To never be rigid with one subject or school, and learn from other schools and disciplines.

Do you have any advice you would share with rising seniors or with underclassmen?

In terms of life advice: "what you see in people, is a reflection of what you see in yourself"- while you may be introspective, you need others to be "outrospective" (not a word) for you. Meaning you need people to be there to check on you as a person. If your friends say that you are being a bad friend, that just simply means you haven't been taking care of yourself as well as you should be. So take a break from whatever you are doing, reflect and consider the outcome of your actions, and just take care of yourself. Also if you simply focus on the surface- you will be unable to see the other qualities of yourself that are great. So you cannot find all the angles without a broken mirror.

For all the young men out there, there is a dark side to resilience. Being tough and aggressive will only get you so far, so don't pretend to be tough and try to piss off others for no reason. To be a man is to make sacrifices, whether it is to put down your pride or your life to protect others and become humble. Or to give up comfort to perfect your craft. To use that strength to build up others, rather than to destroy their characters. True strength that must be used to grow a better future rather than to continuously avenge the past.

In terms of practical stuff, everyone's routines and study styles will vary due to brain type and other schedules like work, or after-school sports/programs, etc. Figure out what your brain type is and create a productive routine and study style based on that. Exercise, and nutrition is also important for successful study habits, and that the human mind will lose focus after two to three hours of studying, so don't forget to take a break and never pull off an all nighter or study past two hours. It is about how you study that is effective, not the amount of time you spend on the material.

It is never about motivation that gets things done, its about being consistent- It's not about how hard you strike hot iron, its how accurately consistent those strikes land on the iron in order to mold the shape. Motivation will be the thing that starts a project, but it will always be consistency that completes it- if you need a reason to keep doing it, reward yourself with something small and then remind yourself of the long term goal you started in the beginning.

There is so much to give and tell, but I will let you discover that for yourself.