Serving Our Peers and Community • South High Community School • Worcester, MA

The Colonel Chronicle


The Colonel Chronicle

The Colonel Chronicle

Dorito, owned by Ms. Bishop.
Dorito, owned by Ms. Bishop.

First up, we have Dorito! Dorito is a 3-year-old Diluted Orange Tabby, owned by Ms. Bishop! Dorito is one special kitty; his beige/light orange coat is actually a rare color! Very cool! Ms. Bishop says that Dorito is “an absolute menace.” She says that his hobbies are, “Puking in my sink in protest when I clean his litter box and screaming in front of any closed doors (including closets) because how dare they.” 

Ms. Bishop also adds that, “Dorito's name changes depending on his attitude for the day; if he's calm, he's Cool Ranch Dorito. He's usually Dorito Loco, though. I love him dearly.”


Puffy, owned by Ariana Marte.
Puffy, owned by Ariana Marte.

Next up, we have Puffy! She is around 8-9 months old and is owned by Ariana Marte ‘26! Puffy is a polydactyl cat - meaning she inherited a mutation that caused her to have multiple toes! She has six toes, so her paws look like little mittens! “She is so fascinated by water, like watching it run,” Ariana says. 

Buddy, owned by Silver Jackson.
Buddy, owned by Silver Jackson.

 And finally, we have Buddy! Buddy is the oldest kitty out of the group - he is 13 years old! Wow! Silver Jackson ‘26, his owner, tells us that “He loves everyone.”