One day in period 7, I had to go to the bathroom. There was a long line there and I didn’t want to wait, so I just went back to class since I didn’t want to miss any class time. I believe that a problem at South High is the the bathroom policy. The problem with the bathrooms includes the long lines, locking them up 5 minutes before class is over, and only having one bathroom on each floor with the other one being locked up
In the beginning of the school year, they started to lock up the bathrooms between classes. They also locked up the second bathroom on every floor so there is only one bathroom on each floor. So when people go to the bathroom there is going to be a long line for the bathroom. They did this to stop the fighting in the bathroom, but that still didn’t stop it entirely. The long lines for the bathroom have really annoyed a lot of students because they need to go to the bathroom but can’t because of the long lines. I get locking up the bathrooms after classes, but having only one bathroom is just annoying to a lot of people because there are some people that just can’t hold it until they get home. In addition, the lines are taking away class time and causing students to miss the learning they need from the classes that they are in.
The reason for locking the bathrooms up between classes is to stop the fights that were happening. But in my opinion, that didn’t really stop the fights. It just causing kids to miss class when they go to the bathroom because there’s normally a long line that’s going to take up class time that they need.