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The Colonel Chronicle


The Colonel Chronicle

The Colonel Chronicle

How to Meet Deadlines

How to Meet Deadlines

Jennifer Garajau, Contributer October 20, 2024

How to: Deadlines (From someone who’s always missing them) To be honest, missing deadlines is a daily occurrence for me, but that doesn’t mean it should be the same for you. Stressing isn’t fun...

Academic Goal Setting in Senior Year

Academic Goal Setting in Senior Year

Lucy Reidy, News Editor September 23, 2024

For so long I have been extremely excited to start my senior year. When I say that, many people assume I’m just ready to graduate and get out of high school, but I’m actually excited for everything...

Advice for the Fourth Quarter

Advice for the Fourth Quarter

Jasmiley Schotborg, Contributor May 5, 2024

It’s the last quarter and it's time to get stuff done and finish things off. We are almost done with this year and let's end this 4th quarter on a good note.  In order to keep the motivation and stay...

How to Make the Best of Your Classes

How to Make the Best of Your Classes

Jade Rose, Contributor November 30, 2023

Do you have a class you don’t like? A class where the subject isn’t too bad, but the teacher is just not what you're looking for? A teacher who talks too much or too little, a teacher who has the lights...

Advice for the Year Ahead

Advice for the Year Ahead

Jada Anaih Norfleet, Contributor October 3, 2023

Hey fellow students! As we kick off the new year at South High Community School, I wanted to share some advice for a successful year ahead. Firstly, let's make the most of our schedule by staying organized...

Think Twice

Think Twice

Ms. Moulin, Assistant Principal January 4, 2023

Think Twice before you quit a club, sport or activity. Think twice before you drop a class or quit a job. Your actions speak volumes about who you are. Colleges and universities are looking for character...

Fake It Until You Make It

Fake It Until You Make It

Ms. Ledoux, Club Advisor January 4, 2023

Recently I was speaking with a student about the nerves we feel when presenting in front of a class - something many of us stress about. In giving encouragement, I was reminded of a piece of advice I learned...

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