How to: Deadlines (From someone who’s always missing them)
To be honest, missing deadlines is a daily occurrence for me, but that doesn’t mean it should be the same for you. Stressing isn’t fun at all, the only difference is that I’m used to all the stress from nights I would stay up and rush the homework that I promised I would do this time around. And so, because I care for you (the reader) so much, here are some tips that you should follow.
1. Jot down somewhere what you need to do
Knowing what you need to do and when is literally the most crucial step for getting your work done on time. I tend to forget, even when I do write it somewhere, but for the average person, it works.
2. Break the work up
I hate actually doing the assignments, and honestly, it’s probably the same for you (unless you’re a psychopath or nerd). Breaking the work up allows you to do smaller bits of work over time instead of doing it all at once an hour before.
3. Set up your space
The reason you’re missing your deadlines is probably because sitting down to work is something you simply don’t want to do. I personally prefer sleeping and scrolling through my phone anytime I should actually be doing work. To counteract this, separate yourself from the world a bit. This means not doing your work in bed (I get it) or even doing your work downstairs in front of your mom, who thinks grades are the most important thing and will most definitely hold you responsible.
4. Don’t overload your schedule
I have never struggled with this as a homebody but maybe you like going out often with friends or family and allow it to fill up your schedule. This is literally the opposite of what you want to do. Being out and about means that you won’t be able to do the work so make sure you leave time to be able to do the work.
5. Reach out for help
On a more serious note, we all have limits and even if you try all these tips, you may still struggle. Reaching out for help is crucial so that you continue with the work in the right direction or even so you can give yourself more time to do the work. Most teachers or professors will most likely give you an extension so it doesn’t hurt to try. Now that you have gone through all my tips, I hope it actually works out for you. When I do try, these tips work. The fact that you even read this means that you want to and I applaud you for that. Anyways, good luck with those deadlines.